Astrological Readings by Lindsay Conover

“A metaphor for Astrology is being ‘steeped’ in a solution; like in a science experiment. A solution is a specific type of mixture where one substance dissolves into another. We can think of the Astrological energies as the solution in which we inhabit; dissolving into our personal energetic field and reminding us of the flow of life in which we are immersed. The solution is not something we can see, but we can observe it manifested through our feelings, actions and experiences in the world.” – Lindsay Conover

Natal Chart Reading with Current Transits, Progressions and Solar Arcs ($150)

This is the most common type of reading I offer. We discuss the various energies that your Natal chart (the snapshot of the heavens the moment you were born) reveals as well as how the current planetary energies are influencing your birth chart energies; providing opportunities for new perspective and continued personal growth.

Electional Astrology Chart Reading ($175)

Astrology can be used to help select the best time for any important event in your life: weddings, travel, listing a house on the market, submitting a job application, etc. Combining your natal chart with current planetary patterns, Astrology can support you in selecting the best time to initiate an event so that it has the best possibility of success.

Relationship Chart Reading: Composite and Synastry Combined ($250)

Discover the strengths and challenges of a relationship through comparing planetary dynamics between two charts. This reading can create a platform for dialogue between individuals and help bring more understanding and acceptance to relationships.

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