Good Morning,
The Moon remains in Leo today. Leo Moon allows us to express our feelings in a passionate and, at times, dramatic way. The Moon squares the Sun in Scorpio at 10:40am (MST). We are at a crossroads between our feelings and our expression of our individuality. Leo Moon may desire affection while Sun in Scorpio attaches to its deep desires. The challenge in the square is to let go of any compulsive drives and realize that we must stand in our dignity in order to truly align with our hearts desires and not be driven by unconscious impulses. Strong energy today to express our true desires in a way that is in alignment with our heart but being willing to let go of what is not working. Sun in Scorpio has true power when it harnesses its energy rather than wields it unconsciously but sometimes we have to go to those places to learn where we need to let go..
Venus retrograde moves into Libra today at 1:42pm (MST). Venus in it’s home sign in Libra wants to find balance in harmony in relationships. This energy will help us find some kind of fairness and balance in the way we relate with others. This can be a good time for talking through the challenges in relationships and find solutions which work for everyone.
Venus in Scorpio opposed Uranus in Taurus overnight. This may have created understanding, or breaks in our relationships, related to our deep desires and new ways of finding and expressing beauty in our lives. We are being asked to get to the bottom of our unconscious drives in relationships, release compulsion and transform while connecting with what we truly desire. Uranus asks us to step into the energy of freedom and independence, acting from a place of intuition and insight, while Venus in Scorpio transforms our desires to be expressed in a more elevated way.
The Moon in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius for the reminder of the night. This is a time of unexpected changes in our relationships. We may be feeling strong emotions related to the need for freedom in our personal expression. Moon in Leo expresses emotions in a passionate way, connected to getting our needs met, while Mars in Aquarius brings unexpected action. This could play itself out in our relationships, as the opposition symbolizes our experiences with the ‘other’. Be sure to act from a dignified place as this will alleviate some of the unwieldy impulsiveness of Mars in Aquarius.
Mercury having moved in Sagittarius may be helping us to imagine all the possibility available to us; potentially avoiding the facts. It’s important to avoid believing in anything rather than making facts based decisions.
Jupiter in Scorpio is trining Chiron retrograde in Pisces. This is a major healing energy. We have to let go of the shadow aspects of Scorpio in order to facilitate our healing. We can trust in in a larger order without compromising our boundaries. There is a difference between compassion and co-dependence. Be gentle with ourselves as we have been integrating many lessons during this highly charged Scorpionic time.
Be well,
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