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I’m beginning to teach a series of Astrology Classes at Prana Blessings in Santa Fe, New Mexico!

If you’re local, and would like to learn more about Astrology, one of the best ways is to learn to read a Lunar Calendar!


The Moon reveals the feelings of the collective unconscious and what we may encounter, emotionally, with the general public on a daily basis based on the phase of the Moon, the sign the Moon is in and what planets are interacting with the Moon.


A lunar calendar becomes a handy tool for planning events like weddings, submitting a job application or knowing when to simply relax and go with the flow!


We’ll also learn how to apply the information in a Lunar Calendar to our personal Astrology charts; bringing a deeper understanding of how the Moon affects us, personally, on a daily basis!


Looking forward to seeing you there!

~ Lindsay

~ Lindsay