High Altitude Astrology Blog
Daily Astro Insight – Monday, June 18th, 2018
Good Morning! Today the Moon is in Virgo, the sign of health, service, discrimination and detail oriented focus. Although Virgo is an Earth sign, helping us to accomplish through effort in the material world, it is ruled by Mercury, the planet which rules thought and...
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
Neptune retrogrades today, June 18th, 2018 until November 24th, 2018; from 16 degrees to 13 degrees of Pisces. Neptune retrogrades for approximately 6 months every year, so this cycle is not unusual. When Neptune retrogrades, we are asked to revisit and clarify our...
Daily Astro Insight – Sunday, June 17th, 2018
Hello, The Moon remains in Leo today as we continue to feel inspired to express our feelings through being affectionate and the desire to receive recognition. The Moon sextiles the Sun in Gemini all day until 9:25pm (MST). When the Moon and the Sun connect, our...
Daily Astro Insight – Saturday, June 16th, 2018
Good Morning! The Moon has entered the Fixed Fire sign of Leo. Leo is ruled by the Sun; the luminary which is symbolic of the expression of our Self and our power. The emotions will be guided by our need for self expression. The lion is often seen retiring; basking in...
Daily Astro Insight – Friday, June 15th, 2018
Good Morning! Today the Moon remains in Cancer as it opposes Pluto in Capricorn until 10:18am (MST). Moon opposite Pluto times can bring up intense feelings which need to be released in order to transform. The Moon in Cancer feels deeply while Pluto in Capricorn wants...
Daily Astro Insight – Thursday, June 7th, 2018
Good Morning! The Moon has moved into Cancer; the sign it rules. The symbol connected to the sign Cancer is the crab. Crabs live in the ocean; symbolic of the instinctive emotions and the unconscious. Today, feelings run high and we may not know from where they...
Daily Astro Insight – Wednesday, June 13th, 2018
Happy New Moon in Gemini! Today the New Moon in Gemini at 22'44" occurs at 1:43pm (MST). Currently we are in the Dark Moon time, just before the New Moon, when the Moon is not illuminated in anyway; a time for quieting and self reflection as we prepare to welcome the...
Daily Astro Insight – Tuesday, June 12th, 2018
Good Morning! The Moon has moved into the sign of Gemini; the dual nature of communicative, mutable Air energy flowing back and forth between one another. Our curiosity will be peaked while the Moon is in Gemini. We can feel changeable in response to what we want as...
Daily Astro Insight – Monday, June 11th, 2018
Hello! The Moon remains in Taurus all day while trining Pluto in Capricorn until 9:31am (MST). When the Moon and Pluto come together in a harmonious angle, we may feel our emotions intensely, powerfully and deeply. The feelings and spiritually transformative energies...
Daily Astro Insight – Sunday, June 10th, 2018
Good Morning! With the Moon in Taurus all day, our collective emotional lunar energy shifts from high paced Aries to a slower, more earthy, expression. Venus ruled Taurus encourages us to enjoy the material things of life; the things that bring us physical comfort as...
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