Good Morning!

The Moon remains in Leo all day today. The Moon squares Jupiter in Scorpio until 9:46pm (MST). This time continues to encourages us to identify with what we need in order to feel fulfilled. With Jupiter in Scorpio, the energy of transformation, we can let go as we move toward what we desire and be rewarded for it! Trust and courage are required.

Lynn Hayes writes of this time preceding and during the upcoming Eclipse, “A strong square aspect between Jupiter and the New Moon will further expand the Leo need to become our best selves, and to gain respect and admiration in the process. Consequently, this New Moon eclipse on August 11th, 2018 is the perfect time to consider what we might want to change in our lives to help us to feel we are fulfilling the highest and best expression of our soul’s purpose.”

The Moon in Leo conjuncts Mercury retrograde in Leo until 9:54pm (MST). For this brief time, stay open to reviewing ways in which we communicate our desires. Are we expressing ourselves from a heart-centered place focused on what we really want?

The Moon and Sun conjunct in Leo for the remainder of the night as we head toward the partial New moon Solar Eclipse in Leo early tomorrow morning. This continues to be the pre-eclipse dark of the Moon time; allowing us to tune into our intuition; feeling the new directions that continue to be conjured during this time. With a New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun; symbolizing that our emotions/how we feel will take center stage as the Sun, our ego and creative expression, goes through a cleansing of old ways of being expressed. Look for an extensive writing about the eclipse soon!

Make it a great day!


~ Lindsay