The Moon remains Void of Course in Aries until 1:51pm (MST). Continuing projects you have already begun is advised while avoiding initiating anything brand new as it will take on the directionless energy of the morning. It’s not that we can’t get anything done, we just need to stay open to the unexpected twists and turns this time may bring. VOC times can feel a bit ‘spacey’ and are great for spiritually centering and reconnecting with our inner promptings.
The Moon moves into Taurus and squares Mars in Aquarius for a good portion of the day until 5:38pm (MST). Taurus is an Earth energy which operates as manifesting in the material world while Aquarius is an Air energy which is experienced as new and innovative ideas.This is a time where we desire to feel secure while being encouraged to integrate new ways of getting our desires met. With Mars retrograde, we may be seeing where we need to adjust how we assert our inventive, freedom seeking and humanitarian oriented desires. Taurus and Aquarius are both Fixed signs, making it a challenging to let go and adapt, but can also hang in there when needed in order to get things done. There is energy at this time to use insight to move projects forward.
The Moon in Taurus conjuncts Uranus at 6:33pm (MST). The emotional response to the world and the energy of change operate together. Uranus is Taurus is about waking up to new ways of creating security in relationship as well as our individual lives. We may see clearly where change is required. Allow ourselves to integrate these ideas slowly, as Taurus can resist quick change.
The Moon trines Saturn in Capricorn until 8:07pm (MST). This is a great time to get things done as this Earth trine grounds our energy in the material world.
Finally, the Moon in Taurus squares the Sun in Leo for the remainder of the night. This is the last quarter square between the Moon and the Sun before the next New Moon Solar Eclipse at 18’42” Leo on Saturday, August 11th, 2018. During this time, we are integrating the energy from the last Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. We are being asked to continue to follow our heart (Sun in Leo) as we adjust to emotional attachments which may keep us stuck; especially in relationship to security, personal value and inertia.
Make it a great day!
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