Good Morning!
The Moon remains in Gemini following yesterday’s Full moon in Gemini. Gemini energy is the butterfly of the Zodiac as it moves from place to place, collecting and disseminating information. We respond to the world with curiosity as well as an ability to change direction when needed. Making up our minds may be difficult, especially combined with some of the other lunar aspects today. Use this time to gather facts as well as tune into our intuition in order to guide our choices.
The Moon in Gemini opposes Mercury in Sagittarius until 1:30pm (MST). We may be inspired by many great ideas today as Sagittarius energy wants to open our minds to new possibilities, seek new adventures and experience freedom. There may be lots of ideas floating around, which is great for imagining what can be! Remember not to drain everyone’s energy by constantly expressing while not allowing others to share or to take in others ideas. Overall, this is a great time to brainstorm and discuss new opportunities.
The Moon in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces until 8:22pm (MST). Gemini and Pisces are Mutable signs, allowing the experience of change in our lives. In the Zodiac, they occur at the end of each season symbolizing the end of the old and beginning of the new. The key to Mutable signs is adaptation. The Moon in Gemini expresses our feelings through the Mercurial thought process of sharing ideas while Neptune in Pisces feels intuitively and asks us to transcend the mind and connect with spiritual guidance. The challenge is to work with our intuition and avoid deceiving ourselves through imagining what could be. This could be a wonderful time for creative writing as Neptune helps us connect to the subtle realms of imagination and Mercury rules writing. Added to this energy is the fact that Mercury is currently retrograde in Sagittarius, asking us to review our thinking in relationship to larger plans.Avoid making any major decisions until after this time is over as we may not have all the facts or be thinking clearly. The Voyager Tarot card ‘Woman of Crystals: Guardian’ which was pulled today speaks to this energy: “The mind, like the crystal, is beautiful and rich and therefore susceptible to exploitation. Like the Crystal Woman, you are the guardian of the mind, your greatest natural resource. You protect it against invading negativity such as confusion, delusion, defeatism, dullness, and narrowness by giving it the hardness and impenetrability of the diamond. You maintain dominion over your mind. Continuously aware of its workings, you are able to direct and focus it at will.”
The Moon in Gemini trines Venus in Libra for the remainder of the night. As Venus continues her direct movement, but still in her shadow phase, our relationships, projects, and creative expression may be finding more balance and traction. We may be able to express our ideas in relationship with more grace and beauty. When the Moon and Venus harmonize our emotional expression takes on the Venusian qualities of being pleasant, kind, and loving. This is a great time to enjoy the company of others or do activities which stimulate our creative appreciation or expression.
Make it a great day!
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