Good Morning!
The Moon is in Virgo today; focusing our attention on the details of life. We may approach our emotional expression and relationships from a mental and analytical place. We want to understand the details of how things will be accomplished. This is a good time to check off the ‘to do’ list, clean and organize our immediate environment and focus on our health.
The Moon in Virgo sextiles the Sun in Scorpio until 5:40pm (MST). When the Moon and Sun harmonize, we can more easily express our feelings in combination with the strength of our individuality and ambition. The Virgo/Scorpio combination allows us to powerfully and humbly express ourselves. We can focus our energy single pointedly and with precision in order to accomplish our intent.
The Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces the remainder of the night. This combination is asking us to find the balance between expressing our feelings from a mental and analytical place verses allowing imagination and intuition to infuse our perspective. Both Virgo and Pisces are Mutable signs, helping us to adapt and go with the flow; allowing us to adjust when needed and remembering humility and compassion. We are still in Scorpio season, requiring us to stay vigilant on a path of Truth and transformation therefore it’s important to avoid slipping into escapist tendencies as Neptune in Pisces can easily desire to slip away from reality. Mediation and other spiritual center techniques are the most beneficial ways of transcending. Using this time to advance creative expression could also be a healthy way to focus our energy at this time.
Be well, be well, be well,
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