Good Morning!
Today is the last day of November! The Moon remains in Virgo focusing our energy on organizing and attending to the details of our lives. Virgo is a Mutable Earth energy, allowing us to adjust to the needs of the moment as we focus on accomplishing our goals. Mercury ruled Virgo can set high standards of perfection leading to being overly critical if things aren’t perfect. Remember to say loose and allow the flow of life in!
The Moon in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn until 1:48pm (MST). This can be a time of focused concentration as Pluto lends power and Virgo precision. We can mentally dissect and go over ideas with a fine toothed comb while transforming what needs to change in the process. Pluto adds a healthy dose of power behind our emotions while Virgo Moon adds a more humble and service oriented orientation; combined we can share our feelings with truth and clarity. Stay open to change as Mercury, which rules Virgo, is retrograding; allowing us to revisit ideas.
For the remainder of the day/night, the Moon in Virgo sextiles Mercury retrograding into Scorpio early tomorrow morning. Virgo Moon helps us dissect and see what is practical. Mercury in Scorpio doesn’t mince words. We may be coming to deeper insights which allow us to merge more deeply with others or let go of what is not working regarding aspects of our lives. Expect communication around some of our bigger plans, new perspectives or viewpoints which Jupiter in Sagittarius is bringing while Mercury continues its retrograde; allowing us to review and revisit ideas. As usual, Mercury retrograde may be bringing technical snafus with computers, confused schedules, travel delays, etc. Today we may feel it particularly significantly as Virgo is ruled by Mercury. With Mercury heading into Scorpio, do our best to remain patient as we get to the bottom of these issues. Mercury moves direct on December 6th!
Transiting Venus in Libra is opposing Uranus retrograde in Aries at 7:12pm (MST). This is a completion of a series of oppositions between these two planets starting in September 2018, when Venus was in Scorpio and Uranus retrograding in Taurus. Venus is the energy of relationships and rules our pleasures, tastes, and what we value; including money and finances. Venus having retrograded in Scorpio, we were given the opportunity to explore what are true desires are as well as shine light on and transform unconscious aspects of our relationship dynamics. Uranus, symbolic of change, excitement and insight, in the sign of Taurus was also emphasizing new values being formed. Now, with the opposition between Venus in Libra and Uranus in Aries, we have an opportunity to integrate this understanding and find a balanced expression between the Self and others in our relationships based on this new found understanding of ourselves. Because of the element of the ‘unexpected’ which Uranus brings, the Astrologer King writes of this time, “If dating, then a new romance now would certainly be exciting…if you are the unorthodox type and need your freedom, a new relationship with a similar person could even lead to marriage…Whatever your situation, if love is not an option then change and excitement can manifest in another area of life.” Uranian energy is electric, therefore we may be feeling high energy around Venus matters such as relationships. Take a step back, avoid acting too impulsively and pay attention to insight we may be receiving at this time as Uranus wants to progress our lives forward despite what changes it may bring!
Make it a great day!
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