Today the Moon has moved into the sign of Sagittarius. The Moon sextiles Mars in Aquarius all day/night.
Sagittarius Moon responds to life with inspiration; wanting to dimensionalize our perspective through new understanding, travel and adventure. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is an optimistic energy and Mars in Aquarius can be more emotionally detached which can be helpful during this time of a lot of heavier emotional Scorpio energies. Sag energy can also be very intuitively inspired while Mars in Aquarius takes action from an intellectual place; motivated by original or independent thought as well as idealism with a concern for humanity. This Moon/Mars sextile allows us to respond with progressive and open minded ideas which can be helpful for coming to unique understandings and ideas about, as well as taking action towards, new directions which we want to move in our life.
Remember Venus retrograde in Scoprio and Mars in Aquarius recently squared therefore, this Moon/Mars sextile may be helping us move in new directions based on some of our revelations around our relationship needs. The Sun in Libra recently squared Pluto in Capricorn which also helped us to connect with our deeper Truth. Be aware of Mars in Aquarius, having recently conjuncted the South Node, approaching life with such detachment that we convince ourselves we want things that we truly don’t; perhaps because others have a convincing influence. Thanks those who have taught us deep lessons and move on.
Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, in Scorpio is now out of its shadow phase, making our desire to expand our world through facing our fears and transforming our lives more prominent. We know what we truly desire and Jupiter in Scorpio gives us the confidence to take chances and make changes to go after it. Mars in Aquarius is also out of its shadow period making decision making more clear.
Make it a great day!
~ Lindsay
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