‘Daily Astro Insight’ – Friday, October 19th, 2018
Good Morning,
The Moon has moved Void of Course in Aquarius until 2:20pm (MST). This is an excellent time to reflect on the activities of the last few days and integrate what we have experienced. We may have come to some understanding around situations which have asked us to be open-minded, compassionate and let go in the process. Giving ourselves room to spiritually re-center is always useful during VOC Moon times as we prepare for the Moon to move into the next sign of Pisces.
The Moon moves into Pisces and sextiles Uranus in Taurus until 3:47pm (MST). Moon in Pisces allows us to respond to the world with unconditional love and acceptance. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, indicating a level of emotional mastery of Universal love and compassion; a place from which we can then move into the the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, which brings our focus to self-affirming assertiveness. We need to have compassion if we are able to be a healthy expressions of ourselves. From the Power Card Tarot deck today, “Keep your heart open, kind, and loving, so that the energy of the Universe can move freely through you. It is difficult to aspire without judgment, but judgment limits you and puts a fence around your consciousness.”
The Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus is helping us to gain a higher perspective. Uranus in Taurus provides insight about what we value and shakes us loose from the attachment to the way we think we will find security. Venus ruled Taurus is loving and kind, but with Uranus in her sign, we can learn to loosen the Fixed nature of Taurus. Uranus focuses on the future while Taurus clings to the past. With the Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus there is opportunity to transcend attachment and embrace new insight toward creating personal security.
And this will be a helpful place from which to move as today also brings a square between Mercury in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius at 11:23am (MST). Mercury in Scorpio has X-ray vision; seeing the underlying Truth in situations. The highest expression of Mercury in Scorpio is to be willing to transform our baser desires of control and manipulation into mental energetic freedom; no longer controlled by powerful emotion. Mars (the planet which rules Scorpio) in Aquarius requires taking action from a unique, insightful place which progresses us forward. Although challenging, this aspect can help shake us loose from our emotional attachments to the way we think things should be and to let go.
From an article by Dr. Ben Kim, I feel he writes about a way to approach to this Mercury square Mars energy, “When someone attacks my character, if I am in the mode of trying to protect me ego, my natural reaction will be to defend my behavior and attack back. But, if I’m able to catch myself and widen the space that exists between stimulus and response, I stand a greater chance of experiencing peace…This takes practice. It’s an art, really, to widen that space between stimulus and response, and to consistently choose thoughtful behavior that’s about the greater good…”
This does not mean we don’t take action from informed decision. Mercury/Mars brings very passionate ideas and this could be a good time to implement them in new ways! It’s just how we do it that can make a difference for us and others. Mars in Aquarius asserts from a less emotional place while thinking of how it impacts the group. Underneath Mercury in Scorpio’s desire to control, is the fear of being exposed, of transforming or of letting go. Try a new approach. It may get you somewhere!
The Moon in Pisces sextiles Saturn in Capricorn until 10:26pm (MST). This is a time to focus our energy on accomplishing what needs to be done. Saturn in Capricorn also brings a sober energy to Moon in Pisces imaginative nature. This is a grounding energy which can be useful for creative pursuits or simply looking more clearly at the reality of any situation.
The Moon in Pisces trines Venus retrograde in Scorpio for the remainder of the night. This is a healing energy. Venus may desire to spend time alone or with others close to us while the Moon in Pisces allows for a more spiritual perspective on all that has occurred, so far, during Venus’ retrograde through Scorpio.
Be well!
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