The Moon has moved Void of Course until 1:41pm (MST). VOC Moon times are best worked with by relaxing and allowing ourselves to ‘go with the flow’. Misty Cuceris writes of the VOC Moon in Taurus time, “When the Moon is in Taurus, try and understand financial matters. Look at how you’re spending your money. Think about budgeting things. Meet with others regarding financial matters and budgetary planning. You won’t come to a final decision but you’ll be able to get other people’s point of view.” I would add that at this time, with Venus retrograde, the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, the sign of looking deeply into things, the Taurus VOC Moon, ruled by Venus, will take on the focus of gathering insight regarding relationships, values, material possessions, and security. If we can take time to observe, spiritually center and rejuvenate, we can meet the Moon moving into Gemini with a mentally centered perspective and approach.
The Moon moves into Gemini and squares Neptune in Pisces the remainder of the day/night. Moon in Gemini responds to the world with curiosity and communication; sharing information. Neptune in Pisces ‘feels’ rather than thinks. This time can bring some confusion around what is real and what is imaginary. Avoid escapist tendencies. Focusing energy on creative pursuits could be successful.
Be well,
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