Good Morning!
The Moon remains in Taurus today.
The Moon in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn until 11:20am (MST). Venus ruled Taurus appreciates beauty, security and protecting the status quo. Pluto in Capricorn is the energy of transforming the foundations upon which we have built our security. Pluto has been stationary (appearing to stand still) all month as it prepares to move direct on Sunday. We are beginning to feel the pull toward the new directions we want to go; releasing old paradigms and structures. This combination may be seeing the new path as well as realizing where the changes need to be made.
The Moon in Taurus opposes Jupiter in Scorpio until 4:36pm (MST). This can be a highly charged time where we struggle with inertia and resist transformation or realize our deep desires and begin to move toward them. Jupiter wants to expand our perspective and world through gaining new insights. Scorpio is all about exposing truth and transformational intensity. Avoid attaching ourselves to preserving what is verses inviting new perspective which will ultimately take us toward our true desires. The pitfalls of these Fixed signs is that they can have a highly obsessive charge; resisting the emotional and physical transformations required to move forward.
With Chiron having retrograded into Pisces for the next 5 months our collective wound around not trusting in a larger plan is being revisited. While the Sun, in its Fall, is continuing its travel through Libra, we are susceptible to sacrificing the balance we seek in our relationships due to feelings of guilt, doubt or an inability to express ourselves for fear of hurting others; preferring to take the path of least resistance. Avoid the desire to take the illusory fast track to transcendence. Focusing on ‘letting go’ practices that help us to clear emotional attachment may be useful.
The Moon moves Void of Course for the remainder of the day/night. Taurus rules nature, therefore, spending time in nature could be a good way to pass this time; grounding our energy and reconnecting and harmonizing with the beauty that surrounds us. Taurus also rules projects. It’s best to wait to initiate any new ones until after this time.
With the North Node in Leo, Pluto stationing in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, Saturn in Capricorn, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio and the Sun trining Mars there is so much energy providing us strength at this time; helping us not to get dragged into fear that keeps us stuck in the past. We are strong and can do this!
Be well!
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