Good Morning!

The Moon remains in Libra today and opposes Uranus in Aries until 11:16am (MST). The Moon is activating the Venus opposite Uranus aspect which peaked yesterday. We may still be feeling residue of this energy as the Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries and then conjuncts Venus in Scorpio later today. The Moon’s opposition to Uranus may be continuing to shift and change aspects of our relationships based on a desire to express our independence and unique aspects of ourselves. Be aware of the need to find balance and compromise without acting with such independence, we are unable to connect with others.

The Moon moves Void of Course until 12:55pm (MST). VOC Moon times are best worked with when we can take some time to spiritually center and reconnect with our ‘witness’; the spiritual energy within ourselves which observes and connects us to a larger flow of life. Embracing the less directed energy of VOC times and learning to ‘go with the flow’ can be a helpful approach. We can learn how to adjust and shift with what comes without being attached to an outcome. Bigger decisions are best avoided as they will take on the VOC energy and may need to be revisited later.

The Moon moves into Scorpio and conjuncts Venus in Libra until 2:05pm (MST). Scorpio Moon times help us to connect with the deeper motivating emotions and deisres in our lives. Ultimately Scorpio energy can be used to build up or destroy. There are times for both. We may find that we have strong feelings but need to be aware of how we wield our power. Both are important, but must be handled with care.

With the Moon conjuncting Venus in Scorpio, we can get in touch with our true desires and with what brings us pleasure. We may be able to share our Truth around what we desire, leading to deeper merging or to transformation of our relationships with others. Be aware of less conscious, compulsive behavior as Venus rules the feminine desire principle of what makes us feel good and Scorpio is Fixed in nature; determined to get what it wants.

Scorpio energy also deals self awareness and transformation. With Venus in Scorpio, this shines a light on aspects of self awareness and transformation in our intimate relationships. And today, the Moon is ‘setting off’ this Venus in Scorpio energy as it conjuncts Venus. ‘If The Buddha Dated’, by Charlotte Kasl, describes the potential of Venus in Scorpio’s energetic expression well when she writes, “We are on safe ground when we blend our desire for a partner with our desire to know ourselves and be fully awake. Ego says, I want someone to fill me up. Spirit says I’ll have someone to help me wake up, to challenge my blind spots and be a companion and playmate on the journey.”

The Moon in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn for the remainder of the night. Saturn in Capricorn embraces the aspect of hard work while Moon in Scorpio can focus and penetrate; weeding out what doesn’t work. This can be a great time for single pointed focus on working towards what we want to accomplish.

Make it a great day!




~ Lindsay