Good Morning!
Today the Moon continues its travel through Virgo.
The Moon sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio until 9:43am (MST) facilitating our ability to emotionally respond with precision and depth. Jupiter in Scorpio wants to transform while Moon in Virgo can tame the harsher Scorpio energies and offer intellectual understanding of issues.
The Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune until 2:25pm (MST). While Virgo wants mental clarity, Neptune is about feeling and sensing. When the two meet in opposition, there can be confusion as we seek to find the balance between mental verses emotional response. Allowing the ‘spacey’ feelings this time may bring can be a portal to creativity and a good way to channel our desire to transcend physical reality.
The Moon in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn until 8:29am (MST). Moon/Pluto combination, in Earth energies, allows us the opportunity to ground the transformative energy that this time may bring as we can gain insight and apply it practically to our lives.
The Moon in Virgo sexiltes the Sun in Cancer for the remainder of the night. When the Moon and Sun combine harmoniously, our emotions and our ability to express ourselves blend. We can easily express this harmonious energy in our lives through responding in a nurturing and helpful way.
Make it a great day!
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