The Moon remains in Taurus all day while trining Pluto in Capricorn until 9:31am (MST). When the Moon and Pluto come together in a harmonious angle, we may feel our emotions intensely, powerfully and deeply. The feelings and spiritually transformative energies blend; creating opportunity to face the truth of things. Occurring in Taurus and Capricorn, respectively, the earth energies allow us to ground our experience in the material world. The more obsessive or manipulative energies of Pluto are muted now. We may want to spend time alone to connect with the truth of how we feel.
The rest of the day, the Taurus Moon sextiles Venus in Cancer until 9:29pm, when the Moon moves Void of Course until early tomorrow. Moon sextile Venus brings opportunity to enjoy the beauty of life, especially while the Taurus Moon is connecting with Venus; the Goddess of Beauty and the planet that rules Taurus. Taurus Moon responds to life with an appreciation of beauty in the material world while Venus in Cancer values emotional security. It’s a great day to spend time in nature, appreciate the arts, work on a creative pursuit or simply enjoy life with loved ones. We will feel an infusion of good vibes all day!
Make it a great one!
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