Good Morning!
The Moon remains in Aries today. The Moon trines Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius until 9:26am (MST). This morning may be filled with lots of communication and information flow. Sag symbolizes larger goals and plans in our lives. We may be reviewing these at this time to decide if they truly fit into the life we wish to create. Mercury retrograde asks us to think before we speak, and in Sag, the focus is on recognizing exaggerated ideas. We may need to consider, when we communicate, that although our ‘answer’ seems plausible, it may not be the solution for everyone. It’s also important to recognize that our words have meaning rather than just engaging in insignificant gossip. Mercury in Sagittarius is retrograding away from the square to Neptune in Pisces (although will when Mercury moves direct) lifting some of the confusion or idealism with which the retrograde began.
The Moon in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn the remainder of the day and into the night until 9:21pm (MST). The emotional response is subject to intense behaviors stemming from the unconscious. There is much power in Pluto to focus our intent; allowing us to get to the bottom of things or accomplish a goal. Be aware of obsessive, controlling, possessive or compulsive responses as Moon/Pluto times can reveal unconscious or excessive emotionally driven behavior. Becoming aware of our ‘shadow’ and employing willpower to chose differently can be a useful way of channeling this energy. This is an insightful talk about integrating the shadow from Jordan Peterson:
The Moon in Aries opposes Venus in Libra for the remainder of the night. We may be finding the balance between self assertion verses relating with the ‘other’. Aries Moon is a ‘me first’ energy while Venus in Libra values harmony, balance, and pleasantry in relationship. With this energy we are able to become aware and incorporate what the other needs while expressing our needs as well.
Today Mars in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. Mars symbolizes how we take action and assert ourselves while Jupiter is the principal of expansion, making things bigger, along with philosophical understanding and mental growth. The highest expression of this energy is being able to transcend aspects of ourselves that are being ‘over done’. With this combination, it can be easy for Jupiter in Sagittarius to justify anything while Mars in Pisces chooses to slip away from reality to avoid seeing the truth. This transcendent experience must come from within us, motivated by the morality which Jupiter in Sagittarius suggests. It’s helpful to identify our ‘shadow’ or challenges, where we may go to excess, and to transcend aspects of ourselves through awareness and meditative observance. Jupiter also symbolizes luck and optimism suggesting the work we do at this time can assist us in expanding our world and moving to new levels of awareness and action.
Make it a great day!
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