Good Morning!
The Moon has entered the Fixed Fire sign of Leo. Leo is ruled by the Sun; the luminary which is symbolic of the expression of our Self and our power. The emotions will be guided by our need for self expression. The lion is often seen retiring; basking in the Sun. But, when it is inspired, by animal instinct, it hunts its prey with majestic power and grace. When the Moon is in Leo, enthusiasm, inspiration and creativity abound. The Leo Lion roars and people take notice. Be aware of overly dramatic emotions but generally we will feel a playful sense of engagement today and can express our feelings with strength and courage.
The Moon opposes Mars in Aquarius until 3:18pm (MST). Moon opposite Mars times can add intensity to our already fiery Leo Moon feelings. Be aware of overreaction, but with Mars in the cool, detached Air energy of Aquarius, the balance between inspired emotion and intellectually driven action can be found. Avoid taking things too personally while staying open to heart-centered expression. Remember, when you think and act for the sake of the group, the energy which Aquarius rules, you receive recognition and adoration.
The Moon in Leo squares Jupiter in Scorpio the remainder of the day until early tomorrow morning. Both signs are Fixed, but in different ways. Leo radiates its energy outward, while Scorpio attracts through drawing its energy inward. The Moon feels and responds instinctively while Jupiter wants to expand perspective through envisioning new possibilities. The Moon in Leo may want to appear like everything is great while Jupiter in Scorpio craves a deeper transformative experience. Practice humility, nobility and graciousness and you will shine! Leo energy can also assist Scorpio to overcome any tendency to want to hide. Generally Moon Jupiter times are filled with optimism and good feelings but don’t gloss over the need to go to deep places to discover how we really feel.
A quote for the day: “No one heals himself by harming another.” – Ambrose of Milan
Make it a beautiful day!
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