Good Morning!
The Moon continues its travel through Pisces and conjuncts Neptune all day until 6:08pm (MST). This energy can help to ease any discord we may be experiencing during this time of so many Scorpionic transits (Jupiter in Scorpio, Venus retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury in Scorpio…). The feelings and emotions are working together with the compassionate and empathetic nature of Neptune in Pisces. Overall, this is a lovely energy for transcending the emotional barriers we have built between ourselves and others in order to protect ourselves. Pisces rules confusion and martyrdom as well, so there is a risk of self sacrificing erroneously. Be aware of the ability to be so boundary-less that we forget what is ours and what is others or imagining what is possible without considering the practical aspects of implementing it.
The Moon in Pisces trines Mercury in Scorpio until 11:14pm (MST). This is a great time to talk about things as our defenses may be down and we can compassionately express how we truly feel. There is a lot of intuition in this combination and we can get in touch with the Truth of any matter.
Chiron has retrograded into Pisces (and remains there for the next several months until March 2019). The transition from Chiron in Aries to Chiron in Pisces is opening up our ability to be more heart centered as we face many changes. The Wounded Healer in Pisces ultimately allows us to bring more compassion and sensitivity to our selves and others. But, first it requires transcending the experience of loss of faith in life resulting in feeling like we are the victim of circumstances and of others in our lives. Pisces is the sign which rules spirituality, Unconditional love, transcendence, compassion as well as martyrdom, self-destruction and confusion. Chiron in Pisces allows us to heal ourselves as well as others once we have found the ability to see all sides of a situation.
Martin Lass writes about Chrion in Pisces in ‘Chiron: Healing Body and Soul’ as, “Our sense of betrayal, injustice, inequity, unfairness, victimization, and so on will constantly draw us into situations that will challenge us to see a more balanced picture. These feelings will challenge us to see the justice behind the seeming injustices, to see the fairness behind the seeming unfairness, and to return to a sense of trust that the universe is actually looking after us all…The path to oneness is only attained when we can see that all things serve us in our lives-that all things serve our healing and evolution of consciousness. All things are divine acts of love. The more we see and acknowledge the hidden purpose behind seemingly “wrong” events and circumstances, the more we are inclined to open the doors that we shut so tightly in the beginning. The more we can do this, the more we regain trust in a guiding hand, trust in a universal plan, trust in a God, and trust in the omnipresence of love.”
Jupiter in Scorpio will be trining Chiron in Pisces toward the end of the month, amplifying this healing opportunity.
Make it a great day!
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