Good Morning!
The Moon has moved into the sign of Gemini; the energy of communication. The Moon in Gemini trines Mars in Aquarius until 5:16pm (MST) and then trines the Sun in Libra until 7:34pm (MST). The harmonious relationship between these three bodies in Air signs indicates an opportunity to clarify and understand more about particular revelations that may have arisen during the Full Moon in Aries. Sun in Libra brings a more balanced perspective, Mars in Aquarius offers new ways of doing things which advances us into the future, while the Moon in Gemini brings ideas and the ability to change course as needed.
The Moon in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces for the remainder of the night. Factual thinking may become infused with the imagination. This can be great for brainstorming. Avoid indecision due to getting drawn back into feeling guilty for or over idealizing the past.
Black Moon Lilith (BML) in Aquarius is a part of this Grand Trine, as she is less than 1 degree away from a conjunction to Mars and a trine to the Sun In Libra. The Moon in Gemini will activate her today as well, by trine. BML is described as the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, or that point in the orbit farthest from the Earth. BML is associated with the image of the lily; indicating the ability to blossom out of the ‘muck’ of life. She is associated with the repressed feminine energy that is considered taboo by society; therefore can be depicted as the abused, hurt or suppressed woman. When expressed in a pure, ego-less form, Lilith is described as our connection to the Void; where true expression of our Soul exists; the Divine Feminine. Diane Booth Gilliam writes, “Black Moon Lilith is not just about women because women have subconscious masculine energy/animus, and men have subconscious feminine energy/anima.” This is what interests me about this time because it poses the question, “Where have men been confined by societal constructs?” and indicates the healing opportunity in both women and men. writes in depth about BML. She states, “The Black Moon Lilith is the intermediary state that brings through abstract, and at times multi-layered themes of scarred emotional patterning. It is important in this liminal stage to access the sub-conscious and make it conscious, and to also release wounded cellular memories that have been stored in our physical bodies. This interwoven metamorphosis with Lilith reawakens and rekindles our magnificent soul potential and wildness. Her gift is to embrace the evolutionary process for humanity and progressive collective shift for our planet.” As BML in Aquarius has been a part of so many other transits at this time, and will continue her stay in Aquarius for the next 7+ months, she is clearly a part of the cultural shifts we are seeing related to the women’s movement and potential continued liberation of everyone; inviting liberating societal insights and ultimately allowing us to integrate the creative Divine Feminine in us all!.
Make it a great day!
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