The Pisces Full Moon occurred at 5:56am (MST). We may be feeling a bit of relief as this lunar energy soothes us in the watery vibes of compassion, empathy, kindness, forgiveness and spiritual healing. The Astrological energies have been strong lately but this Full Moon offers up the opportunity to integrate the intense energies of the last few months including three eclipses and many retrograde planets.
Full Moon times are a culmination between our intuitive, feeling self and the expression of our individual authority, as the light of the Sun illuminates the Moon completely. In this instance, the Moon in Pisces accentuates our intuitive feeling nature, which guides our emotional responses, while the Sun in Virgo analyses and discriminates through our course of action. We are being asked to find the balance between expressing our sensitive side while being discriminating. Learning to love and let go while avoiding escaping into indecision and misplaced philanthropy can help us align with our dreams.
The Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces all day/night at this Fullmoon time. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and this combination heightens the Moons ability to feel deeply through experiences of compassion, imagination, idealism, and spirituality.
The other main energy which accompanies this Full Moon is that Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn at 1:18pm (MST). Venus in Libra expresses our feminine pleasure seeking desires through relationship, what we value and the expression of beauty while Pluto in Capricorn wants to strip the Libran veneer off to expose the cracks and fissures beneath the surface in order to transform and regenerate. This time may ask us where we have been avoiding confrontation which will get at the roots of what needs to change; especially in our relationships. Avoid power trips, if you can. Choosing to face issues with truth and honesty will get you much further
This quote from MyForecast explains it well:
“The summer has brought abundant opportunity to revisit the past and to say many a goodbye. In the wake of that, this square forces the questions: What do you actually want? What do you actually value? This square adds a scalpel’s touch to the releasing properties of a Full Moon. Now that new situations are emerging, which of the old still have meaning? Which are taking up room? Venus and Pluto’s dance encourages cutting away what you don’t value or want, to make space for what you do.”
Yourtango.com writes about this combination, “If we feel a person’s part in our story is done, there will be no resistance in letting them go. If we are in a relationship that we crave a deeper commitment from, we will find the power to speak up. All of this really centers on ourselves and how we allow ourselves to be who we truly are. After all, this is the key to a successful relationship.”
Make it a great day!
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