Good Morning!
Today the Moon is Void of Course until 11:31am (MST). VOC Moon times can help us learn to let go and ‘go with the flow’; allowing things to go in unexpected directions as we hone our intuitive connection. If we are wanting to begin new projects, make new purchases or schedule something, these things may take on the VOC energy and it is best to wait. Spiritual centering, resting, or spending time in nature is advised to reconnect us with our intuition.
The Moon moves into the sign of Virgo and trines Uranus in Taurus until 3:21pm (MST). Virgo Moon allows us to focus the Mercurial energy (Mercury rules Virgo) into physical reality. This is a great time for organizing, working on the practical tasks in our lives which require attention to detail, and focusing on our health. With the Moon trining Uranus in Taurus we may experience new insight and break up patterns of routine while responding to the world in a helpful and practical way.
The Moon in Virgo trines Saturn in Capricorn until 6:55pm (MST). We may feel a more serious emotional response to the world; continuing our ability to accomplish what needs to get done.
The Moon conjuncts Venus in Virgo until 10:35pm (MST). When the Moon and Venus meet, we feel more connected to the expression of our loving energy. Venus in the sign of Virgo desires to receive and give affection in discriminating, helpful, reserved and sometimes overly critical way. Venus also rules money, while Virgo will help us make sure what we buy is necessary and has practical value. Making a healthy meal might be a way to spend the evening as Virgo rules the intestines, powers of assimilation and how we derive nutrients from our food!
The Moon in Virgo sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio for the remainder of the night. Moon/Jupiter times bring optimism and a general good vibe. Moon in Virgo may shy away from Jupiter in Scorpio’s desire to expand our perspective through looking deeply into things but can also help clarify and discern what needs to be transformed or let go.
Enjoy your day!
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