Good Morning!
The Moon has moved Void of Course in the sign of Aquarius and remains there all day. Void of Course Moon times offer us the chance to re-tune our intuitive selves through spiritual centering, spending time in nature, or resting. Learning to go with the flow and listen to our intuition will help us navigate this time.
The Moon moves into Pisces at 5:28pm (MST). Pisces is a Mutable Water energy allowing us to connect to our deep, intuitive sensations, imagination and feel our connection with everything. When the Moon is in Pisces, we respond compassionately and spiritually. Be aware of knowing what is yours and what is others ‘stuff’ as the permeability of Pisces energy allows us to ‘pick up’ on and empathize with what others are feeling.
The Moon in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus until 10:33pm (MST). This is a unique energy that can bring insight into how to respond to the world in new ways while breaking through old, inhibiting patterns; especially in relationships or dealing with issues of what brings us security.
The Moon in Pisces sextiles Saturn in Capricorn the remainder of the night. Saturn in Capricorn wants to work at what needs to be accomplished while Moon in Pisces is guided by more subtle forces. This can be a time of using intuition to advance our position in the world.
Make it a great day!
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