Good Morning!
The Moon in Pisces trines Jupiter in Scorpio today until 5:47pm (MST). This is an energy of emotional freedom. Has the ever revealing Venus retrograde in Scorpio placed you face to face with your deepest fears and wildest desires?!? Every day seems to take us further down the rabbit hole! Are we meeting shadowy people who reflect the deeper natures of our own desires? Can we stay open, without attachment, to the ever changing mosaic we find ourselves in? With the Moon in Pisces trining Jupiter in Scorpio we can imagine our wildest fantasies coming true! Just tap into the Watery nature of this trine in order to continuously ‘let go’ of that which we thought was reality but is really an illusion! Jupiter, the ‘greater benefic’, in Scorpio wants to expand our lives. writes of Jupiter in Scorpio, “We’re being encouraged to consider what we desire in the depths of our hearts, and are reminded that success is ours if we put everything we have into whatever we pursue. Between Scorpio’s magnetism and Jupiter’s good luck, the world truly is our oyster when these two powerhouses come together.”
During this Venus retrograde, we may be experiencing a few ‘false starts’ toward this possibility, but stay on course, as she will be stabilized by Saturn in Capricorn at this Full Moon time and become a Morning star (new beginnings in love) just around the corner on Friday, October 26th, 2018. From, “As Venus continues traveling backward she will meet with the Sun on October 26th. This is her grand rebirth moment, and from this point forward she will emerge from the underworld as a morning star. Even though Venus will still be in retrograde, we may begin feeling a shift or turning point of energy around this time. Venus is the ruler of our hearts, so while she has been retrograde, we have all been challenged to focus on matters of the heart. A Venus retrograde highlights our love life, our relationships, and our finances, but on a deeper level, it is really about learning to love ourselves more. Lessons of the heart are often painful, so if you have been having a rocky time so far during Venus Retrograde, October 26th may bring some relief. It is important to understand that Venus Retrograde’s job is to expose the true nature and the true calling of your heart.”
The Moon moves Void of Course the remainder of the night. Take a break, if you can. Find your spiritual center, relax and rest. We’ll need it as we move toward the upcoming Full Moon at 1’13” Taurus next Wednesday, October 24ht, 2018!
Th Moon will also conjunct Chiron in Pisces today. This healing energy can be channeled toward offering unconditional love and compassion to any challenges we face. Chiron in Pisces asks us to trust in the larger order of things and not get drawn into ‘Maya’; the illusion of appearance of the phenomenal world.
Make it a great day!
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