Good Morning!
The Moon is Void of Course in Gemini all day until 5:27pm (MST). VOC Moon in Gemini can be interesting fact finding and information gathering times. Getting into arguments over ‘who is right’ may prove unfruitful. If we wait to make major decisions or purchases until after this time, there will be better success for our endeavors. VOC Moon times require us to ‘let go’, go with the flow and not ‘push the river’. This is why spiritual centering is more effective at this time, as we can practice non-attachment and being the ‘witness’ of our life experience. When the Moon comes back on line and moves into Cancer, we will feel more centered and self aware.
The Moon moves into Cancer and sextiles Uranus in Taurus until 6:03pm (MST). Cancer Moon times help us to connect with our deeper feelings. We may feel retiring, wanting to experience the comforts of our homes or be around others we are close to. The Moon (our emotional response, our subconscious and instinctual behavior) is most familiar in Watery Cancer allowing us to respond with a deep connection to how we feel as well as in a loving and nurturing way. The Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus dimensionalizes our emotional experience; bringing new insights and heightening our intuitive connection. Uranus can help loosen some of the attachment to deeper feelings or to what we thought brings us security.
The Moon in Cancer trines Venus retrograde in Scorpio until 8:10pm (MST). As Venus is preparing for her transition into Libra at the end of the month and to a ‘morning star’ in early November, we may be receiving some deep insight into what the Venus Retrograde in Scorpio has been about for us. This has been a powerful Venus retrograde so far; connecting us with our deepest desires as well as exposing our ‘shadow’ elements; allowing us to integrate them. The churning waters may be settling and we have a chance to see issues more clearly. This could be a good time to share our feelings and have them be received as Moon/Venus times help us express ourselves in a balanced and harmonious way. In general, Moon/Venus times bring pleasant emotions and a desire to enjoy the pleasures of life. It can also be a creative time as Venus rules beauty; helping us express it in the world.
The Moon in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn for the remainder of the night. This energy can bring emotional realization in our relationships and require us to act in alignment with our personal authority. Saturn in Capricorn may limit attachment to the overly emotional expression of Cancer Moon; allowing us to act in more focused and determine ways. The opposition between these planetary bodies can bring a coolness to the way we relate with others but also a sobering effect to relationship dynamics. The balance is in allowing ourselves to express our feelings while taking responsibility and acting maturely.
Make it a great day!
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