Good Morning!
The Moon remains in Sagittarius today. The Moon in Sagittarius squares the Sun in Virgo until 5:15pm (MST). This is called the first quarter Moon square because it’s the opening square between the Sun and Moon following the previous New Moon. We have an opportunity to tune into any shifts or changes we are becoming aware of that need to begin to be integrated between the expression of our individuality and how we are feeling as a result of the New Moon seed planting time. With this square, the Moon in Sag is helping us to feeling inspired to expand our world in new ways; seeing opportunities and ways to integrate new perspective. The Sun in Virgo is wanting to go about achieving our goals in a practical way; taking the details into consideration, and may feel concern as to how it will all turn out. We can use our feelings of inspiration to move beyond what we have known before. Themes of listening to our intuition verses timidity in taking action may surface. Because the New Moon was in the sign of Virgo, this quarter square may deal with issues around how we need to focus on adjusting choices around our health, healing, purifying and general cleansing of our lives. Can we employ our health as a navigating tool in the direction we are expanding our lives? Both Sagittarius and Virgo are mutable signs, creating an easier time adjusting and changing. Dana Gerhardt through Astrodeinst shares a thorough writing about first quarter square times for those wanting a deeper understanding.
The Moon is Void of Course in Sagittarius the remainder of the day/night. Spend time focusing our energy inward; reflecting on long term goals. Take in all possibilities; while some of those grander ideas may be better left to take action on after the Moon moves into a new sign. Sagittarius loves adventure therefore getting out into nature may be a great way to spend this time.
Make it a great day!
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