Good Morning!
The Moon remains in Fiery Aries today; urging us to respond to the world with inspiration, enthusiasm, and ambition!
The Moon in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn all day until 6:17pm (MST). It’s time to integrate some of the preview we received from yesterdays Mars retrograde in Aquarius squared Uranus in Taurus energy. We may want to acknowledge our unconscious or compulsive ways of asserting ourselves through freedom seeking behavior and integrate new ways of seeking pleasure that doesn’t offend or harm others. Aries Moon can act before thinking but also be brave and initiate change while Pluto in Capricorn demands we transform old, outworn, crystallized patterns of behavior specifically around themes around power, status and security. Spending time alone to reflect may be useful. Practice patience.
The Moon in Aries trines Mercury retrograde in Leo until 8:52pm (MST). Here is another opportunity to review our way of thinking and how we emotionally assert ourselves. Move toward the higher expression of Mercury in Leo: dignified, noble, creative and heart-centered communication while staying open to expressing ambition, change and what brings you happiness.
The Moon moves Void of Course in Aries for the remainder of the evening/night. This is a time to relax and ‘let life flow’. Give yourself a break from the intensity of the energies by taking time to spiritually re-center. VOC in Aries may bring high energy; focusing it on something that requires physical effort could be useful.
Make it a great day!
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