Good Morning!
Today the Moon in Cancer trines Jupiter in Scorpio until 9:12am (MST). The Moon/Jupiter times allow us to respond to the world with optimism and trust that things will turn out well. In Water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, it’s a good time to share how we really feel, as we will find our focus on deeper issues which can be brought to light and resolved.
The Moon trines Neptune in Pisces until 1:57pm (MST). The is a time where we feel connected to the more subtle energies of life; spirituality, creativity/imagination and compassion. ‘Feeling into’ things can help us navigate this time.
The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn until 7:43pm (MST). This is the last major aspect to the Moon before the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer later in the evening. This is foreshadowing and highlighting an eliminatory function connected to the energy of the Eclipse; as Eclipses naturally help us to shift and change areas of our lives. Moon/Pluto energy allows us the opportunity to see our unconscious, shadow energy which might be controlling us; especially in relationships because of the opposition aspect. It can also give us strength and power to face things and move on, if needed.
The Eclipse occurs at 8:48pm (MST), when the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 20″41′ of Cancer. This Eclipse has the energy of a New Moon seed planting time with an added layer because, in this case, the Moon is blocking the light from the Sun for a period of time. Symbolically, the Solar energy is not seen, which brings a clearing out of old ways of ‘doing’ Sun in Cancer energy. The sign of Cancer is expressed through the Sun as shining our light through nurturing, instinctive, habitual, sometimes evasive (like the crab sidestepping danger) ways. We may find the need to eliminate old ways that keep us stuck in the more challenging aspects of Cancer energy; being emotionally needy, overly sensitive, moody or, on the other hand, unable to share our feelings and sacrificing our true needs as a result. The theme of this Eclipse is embracing our personal authority while navigating our emotions responsibly. You can place the Eclipse in your natal chart to find out what area of the life the Eclipse will be stimulating. Eclipse effects can be felt up to 6 months after the occurrence, so be aware that the integration takes time.
Some other energies of the Eclipse chart: As I mentioned earlier, the Moon/Sun conjunction in Cancer opposed Pluto in Capricorn occurs in this Eclipse chart; asking us to bring a renewed emotional maturity to how we relate to others. Pluto in Capricorn wants to overthrow that way we always do things, while the New Moon Solar Eclipse asks us to eliminate habitual ways of ‘shining’ our light.
There are two beautiful Grand Trines happening at the time of the Eclipse. The first is an Earth trine which occurs between Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. Earth energy is about manifesting in the material world. In this instant, our discriminatory loving energy combines with our ability to be responsible and work at creating new foundation while employing new insight into how to create security. This is a very grounding energy available to us at this sensitive time.
The second Grand Trine occurs in Water signs between the Moon and Sun conjunct in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. This combines the energy of renewed emotional expression, the ability to face our fears and transform with compassion and empathy towards ourselves and others. It can be a very spiritual energy that offers great insight and the ability to grow into a better expression of us!
The Moon moves Void of Course for the remainder of the night. This is a good time to relax and begin integrate the insight from the Eclipse energy, gearing up for when the Moon loves into high energy Leo for the next few days.
I will be off line for a few days and will return with more Daily Astro Insight for you all on Sunday! Until then, be well!
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