Good Morning!
Today the Moon is Void of Course in Scorpio until 11:59am (MST). VOC Moon times can be good for organizing your life or addressing unfinished business. The Moon is no longer making any angular aspects to other planets, symbolizing a lack of clear intuitive guidance. As usual, avoid making major purchases, signing contracts, or making large decisions until after this time. VOC Moon in Scorpio can be a good time for investigating issues related to joint finances or our own feelings about aspects of ourselves or our lives in order to gather more information to get more clarity on the direction we may want to go after the VOC Moon time ends.
The Moon moves into Sagittarius and conjuncts Jupiter, briefly, until 12:06pm (MST). This is a burst of good energy where our emotional expression, in the inspired sign of Sagittarius, works in conjunction with Jupiter; the planet which rules Sag and the principle of growth, wisdom, enthusiasm, optimism, benevolence and generosity. Enjoy this time! It could be a good time to plant a seed toward something we would like to manifest in our lives. We may be feeling warmth and good feelings toward others with a need to remain independent and freedom oriented.
The Moon in Sag conjuncts Mercury for the remainder of the day/night. The energy of inspired vision combines with the mental capacity of Mercury. This is a good plan making time as we can think in broader terms while attending to the details of how to implement our ideas. There may be lots of communication based in new understandings and directions we wish to move toward in our lives.
Today, Jupiter has moved into the sign of Sagittarius for the next year. This is a shift of energy from the deeper, revelatory, internal work Jupiter in Scorpio has been asking us to do. Jupiter rules Sag, therefore is very much at home in this sign. Sagittarius is the half horse-half man shooting his arrow into the unknown; symbolizing inspired thoughts and actions which expand our world through creating new perspectives and experiences. This is a relief from the deeper internal work we may have been doing; as the focus of our growth and opportunity is directed outward into the world. We desire to expand our horizons through travel, education, and taking risks.
From, “Jupiter moving into Sagittarius sounds great — but it comes with a caveat. Mars, the planet of action, will move into Pisces on November 16, creating an astrological aspect known as a square with Jupiter. When two planets form a square, it’s said that tensions and conflict can arise between them. In the case of this particular square, Mars may dim Jupiter’s shine, so to speak. Although Mars is normally a very energetic planet, when it’s in a water sign like Pisces, it may put a bit of damper on the fanfare of Jupiter entering Sagittarius — Dewhirst compares it to that anticlimactic moment when you try to light a firework, but the matches are damp. So, Jupiter’s stay in Sag might kick off to a muted start, but don’t shrug this period off as an astrological misfire. You just have to wait for the going to get good.”
Enjoy your day!
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