Good Morning!
Today the Moon has moved into the sign of Taurus. Moon in Taurus teaches us patience, determination and sustained effort.
The Moon in Taurus is square Mars in Aquarius until 9:50am (MST). Moon in Taurus may not invite change, preferring for things to stay the same in order to maintain stability and security, while Mars in Aquarius is urging us to take action in new and progressive directions. I woke up today, remembering a dream. I had been given a handkerchief type thing to wear around my neck. I tried to change the shape of it by unfolding it and it turned into something much larger, like a sweater. I could not get it to reshape into the smaller thing it was originally. I kept trying to, without success, because I was concerned about it not looking the same way for the person who had given it to me. That’s what I think Moon in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius feels like. We are familiar with the shape of what something has been, but when life changes, we can’t re-create the same shape anymore. Issues around financial and material security, relationships or projects we are involved in may be the source whose shape has changed.
The Moon in Taurus opposes Venus in Scorpio until 7:02pm (MST). Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is in Scorpio for the next 3+ months. During this time we will be investigating the Truth in relationships, uncovering shadow dynamics in operation, and revealing what our true relationship desires are; transforming relationships to reflect that. Today we may be asking if we are invested in security dynamics in our relationships that need to be transformed? With the Sun in Libra, we are weighing what is fair and balanced. Be aware of the desire to keep things the same because we don’t want to go through the necessary transformation that may be required.
The Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces for the remainder of the night. This energy allows us to connect with spiritual understanding; accepting change gracefully and trusting the flow of life.
Th Sun in Libra trines Mars in Aquarius at 5:35pm (MST). This is the first trine between these two energies since Mars came direct; allowing our individuality in relationships to blend with the strength of self assertion towards the future. In Air signs, we will be receiving more understanding and clarity in our relationships while feeling confident in our ability to implement new directions in life.
Make it a great day!
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