Good Morning!
The Moon is Void of Course in Virgo until 1:42pm (MST). The Moon is not making any angular aspects to other planets at this time, therefore it is not being influenced by other energies. This is not a good time to initiate anything new but can be useful for continuing projects or spending time spiritually re-centering ourselves as we can hone our intuitive connection at this time. Staying open to life moving in unexpected directions will help us navigate this time.
The Moon moves into Libra at 1:42pm (MST) and squares Saturn in Capricorn until 9:19pm (MST). While the Moon is in Libra we will emotionally respond to the world with qualities of balance, harmony, partnership (romantic and business) and fairness. We can feel more connected to the expression of beauty as Air sign Libra is ruled by Venus; the planet of love and beauty. Moon in Libra wants to find balance and harmony while Saturn in Capricorn wants to get work done.When the Moon squares Saturn, our feelings can be tempered by seriousness and a limited view. This can be a good time for infusing the practical with the beautiful; if we are aware of not taking somber moods too seriously. Life can feel a little challenging, but Libra Moon will attempt to keep things lighter and fair.
The Moon in Libra trines Mars in Aquarius for the remainder of the night. When the element of Air combines with the energy of action and physical activity, it becomes a great time for making ideas a reality. Libra Moon responds with intellectual communication motivated by creating beauty while Mars in Aquarius takes action inspired by insight and the unexpected; with a motivating force of what is good for everyone. Lots of energy abounds!
Make it a great day!
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