Good Morning!
The Moon is Void of course in Sagittarius until 3:49pm (MST) when the Moon moves into Capricorn. When the Moon moves VOC, we are offered the opportunity to turn our attention and energy inward; re-centering and re-connecting with our intuitive connection to the lunar emotional nature. This is an opportune time to spiritually center through spending time in nature, pursing a spiritual practice or simply resting. Of course, life must go on, especially with the VOC in expansive Sagittarius. Life will continue to be full of energy and we most likely will have to participate. VOC times can also be used for reflecting, planning and organizing. Do our best to avoid major decisions which initiate anything new such as large purchases or signing contracts as they will take on the VOC energy. Working on things that have already been initiated is a good way to use this time. The purpose of VOC is to learn to go with the flow while using our intuition to guide us.
The Moon in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus until 8:49pm (MST). This is an Earth trine charged by intuition and insight. Stay open to new ideas as well as the ability to work to implement them. We may find ourselves responding to the world in new ways which allow imagination, spontaneous and original ideas to flourish; especially ones which involve the collective group.
The Moon conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn until 11:46pm (MST). During this time, our emotional expression may take on a more serious tone. It can also help us to make practical and important decisions; especially those which effect our material world.
Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces at 1:23pm (MST). This opposition is one which involves Mutable energies between Earth and Water signs. We may feel pulled between experiencing our loving energy and that which brings us pleasure through the lens of dissection and critical evaluation verses our spiritual selves wanting to experience compassion and empathy for others; escaping making harder decisions. Focusing on being healthy, being practical and avoiding co-dependency can help us find the balance in this energetic expression.
Make it a great day!
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