
Today is the last day of July! The Moon remains in the sign of Pisces all day inviting us to continue to swim in the waters of our emotions; moving to the rhythm of intuition and psychic impressions.

The Moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, briefly this morning, until 8:27am (MST). When the Moon and Pluto meet, our emotions take on an intensified expression. This is a good time to allow our intuition and ability to powerfully focus our energy to guide our response to the world. This time could bring necessary transformative change into our lives.

The Moon in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo until 4:42pm (MST). This combination of energy asks that we find the balance between our emotional expression and our feminine desire principle such as being affectionate, social and seeking pleasure. Moon in Pisces responds empathetically and compassionately while Venus in Virgo requires discrimination in our affections and social interactions. Avoid being overly critical as we respond to the world while. Focusing on our health can also facilitate this energy.

The Moon moves Void of Course for the remainder of the afternoon/night. Allowing ourselves to recharge during VOC times helps prepare us for when the Moon moves into the next sign. Avoid initiating anything brand new, while focusing on projects that have already begun can be useful. Moon VOC in Pisces can be a good time for creative pursuits and help to re-center ourselves spiritually.

Make it a great day!

~ Lindsay