Good Morning,
The Moon is Void of Course all day until tomorrow morning.
It’s best to use the VOC time to center ourselves through spiritual practice or spending time in nature. Rebooting is helpful for when the Moon moves into a new sign. Go with the flow today; allowing the unexpected to guide us. Not a great time for new purchases or starting new projects but can be useful for working on things we have already begun.
Today Mars retrogrades in Aquarius at 3:05pm (MST). Mars, the planet of courage, going after our desires, and the warrior energy in us all, retrogrades one time every two years, for approx 10 weeks; from June 26th until August 28th, 2918. For the next two months, we will be asked to re-evaluate how we assert ourselves while embracing the concept of humanity.
Mars retrograde times offer us insight into how to re-work our Mars energy. In the sign of Aquarius, the re-working deals with themes of collective humanity, progressive and revolutionary ideas and social justice; perhaps where more or less effort needs to be adjusted.
Something I have been feeling and hearing more about from other astrologers and philosophical thinkers, related to Mars Retrograde, has to do with the energy we are collectively putting into activism, even more specifically tribalism; the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one’s own tribe or social group. Mars in Aquarius might bring more individualistic thinking around the cracks or fissures that exists in that kind of thinking and offer insight into how we can move towards more toward acceptance of each other while maintaining our own perspectives.
There is a loose square between Mars, Uranus and Jupiter in the Mars retrograde chart. This is suggestive of the transformation of our the individual actions and perspectives that might take place during this retrograde cycle. Uranus also wants insight which leads to a better humanity for all. In Venus rules Taurus, it wants tranquility as well. Perhaps we will collectively feel the need to allow others to be who they are more than fight about it. Jupiter in Scorpio also wants a transformation of our philosophies and perspective which helps us regenerate ideas and release fear around separateness.
I have to admit, even I, someone who organized the Women’s March in my home town, in which 15,000 people attended, am noticing a resistance to the constant polarizing views between the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ constantly being thrown at me through the news, emails, internet, etc. I find myself becoming more conscious of where I focus my attention, as it can lead down a dark hole of negativity, anger and hopelessness.
Aquarius is the energy of the individual. It’s truth and freedom expressed through action. We can get a good dose of learning to detach ourselves, rather than react, to information coming at us. Spend a little less time arguing on social media or emailing about the things that make us mad in the world. Try putting our energy toward things that unite and uplift our communities.
Experiencing the synchronicity of Astrology while listening to Sam Harris on his ‘Waking Up’ podcast having a conversation with Geoffrey Miller, I felt the inklings of the beginning of Mars retrograde in Aquarius. They discussed the on line phenomena of virtue signaling and mob mentality; specifically when people’s words are taken out of context and others gang up on that person or when someone says something that one disagrees with, and how enticing it is to shame them. Miller suggested that the solution lies in us being more reflective in what we choose to share, which to me is a reflection of Mars in Aquarius; acting in a way that considers the whole group. Food for thought!
Make it a great day!
~ Lindsay
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