Good Morning!
The Moon remains in Aries this morning and conjuncts Uranus retrograde until 3:46p (MST). We continue to feel highly energized and motivated. Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries can feel inspired by new insight and take action; breaking new ground in new directions. Uranus is the great liberator and can bring change. Pay attention to intuitive promptings. The Power Deck tarot card pulled today is Intuition: “Intuition is the intelligence of your body-mind. You feel what is true with your body-mind, rather than know what is true with your mind. Intuition does not have the clouds of accumulated knowledge to distort your vision. Intuitions simply see what is the truth. With intuition you can feel the source of your being without reasoning it away and being filled with doubt. Doubt destroys your intuition. Find you power always in balance between mind and intuition.”
The Moon in Aries opposed Venus in Libra overnight and this morning the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries while Mercury is retrograding in Sagittarius. This feels as if some insight is coming regarding creating harmony and balance in relationships and the ideas around the direction we want them to go. Themes of expressing the truth and reality of situations may be filtering through with resonances of the Mercury/Neptune square with which this Mercury retrograde began. writes thoroughly about this Mercury retrograde cycle, adding, “An evolutionary theme of this retrograde for many people could be about the reworking of how we apply Mercury and Neptune energies together. Mercury rules communication, the mind, commuting, communication technology, and how we process information. Neptune is associated with creativity, imagination, visual or musical arts, selflessness, oneness, compassion, idealism, dreams, spirituality, and mysticism. Negative expressions of this energy that may come up that we need to work on could be connected to deception, addictions, escapism, illusions, flakiness, delusion, confusion, and lack of boundaries.”
The Moon moves Void of Course until 4:43pm (MST). This brief VOC Moon time allows us to take a break from ‘doing’ and move into a place of centering. Spiritual practices such as meditation or yoga, spending time in nature, or simply resting are helpful; practicing ‘letting go’ and recuperating as we get in touch with our intuitive selves again and prepare for the Moon (our emotional response and instinctive nature) to come back on line when the Moon moves into the sign of Taurus.
The Moon moves into the sign of Taurus and sextiles Mars in Pisces until 10:36pm (MST) helping us to ground our actions in compassion and empathy while remaining practical and focused on our personal needs.
The Moon in Taurus trines Saturn in Capricorn the remainder of the night. Taurus Moon knows what it wants as it is ruled by Venus; the feminine desire principle in Astrology. Moon in Taurus helps us know what makes us feel good in an Earth energy way as it rules our values, self-worth, money and material security. With the trine to Saturn in Capricorn, the planet of effort and personal authority, we can work with this time to complete projects and accomplish our goals. Saturn in Capricorn’s practicality and work ethic blends with our desire for financial and material security. At this time will feel more in alignment with how we get our needs met without excessive attachment to that which is not on our true path.
Make it a great day!
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