Today the Moon is Void of Course in Libra all day. The VOC Moon is a time when the Moon goes ‘off line’ as it no longer makes any angular aspects to any other planets. The Moon (emotional response to the immediate flow of life experience, feelings, the subconscious) is not being influenced by other planetary energies, therefor takes on an energy that is less emotionally directed. It may be difficult to know what we actually feel. For this reason decision made during this time can go in unexpected directions. This is why it’s advised not to start anything new or make major purchases under a VOC Moon. You may have lots of ideas about where things should go today but will benefit by learning to relax and ‘go with the flow’.
So what should we do? From EliteDaily.com, “Do something that doesn’t require results or emotional/conscious intention to achieve. Just be there. It’s like the emotional focus of the world is getting an software update, and you’re just going to have to do something else with yourself until the moon comes back online.” I would add, this is an ideal time to take ourselves ‘off line’, if we can. Some suggestions of what is good to do during VOC Moon, from CafeAstrology.com:
- Finishing up projects that have already begun before the void of course Moon.
- Taking stock, making to-do lists, and finding lost objects.
- Editing, refining, and reviewing.
- Social events with established friends and with family.
- Rest and sleep will be more peaceful during the void of course Moon.
- Getting rid of excess.
Meditation can also be useful as we can practice non-attachment to the activities of the mind, which ultimately can foster a deeper connection to our Soul.
As the Moon is VOC in Libra, avoid making major relationship decision but taking stock of current relationship issues can be useful.
The Moon moves into Scorpio at 10:09pm (MST). The emotions will be expressed through the penetrating, Truth seeking, passion driven sign of Scorpio.
The Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus for the remainder of the night. Stay open to unexpected relationship dynamics expressed in the most elevated way as inviting insight around our changing values, relationship to self worth, and security needs while feeling and expressing what is True. Mercury moves into the sign of Scorpio today at 6:41pm, supporting the need to communicate our deepest desires.
Make it a great day!
~ Lindsay
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