Good Morning,

The Moon remains in the sign of Libra today. We continue to feel the pleasant vibes of Venus ruled Libra Moon as we emotionally respond to the world seeking harmony and balance through teamwork and partnerships of all kinds: relationships, business or friendships.

The Moon sextiles the Sun in Leo until 2:22pm (MST). Our emotional expression and the ability to express ourselves blend. In general this is another energy of harmony and can be worked with to smooth over rough edges while we continue to pursue our desires.

The Moon in Libra squares Mars retrograde in Capricorn for the remainder of the day/night. Moon/Mars times can bring up challenging emotions of frustration and as we can be quick to respond to the world in an impatient and aggressive way. Although Libra and Capricorn may be more reserved in expressing these baser feelings, the Cardinal mode their of expression, which they both share, can cause them to take action and pursue their goals. Seeking fairness and being patient can be helpful in mitigating the challenging energy of this time.

Make it a great day!

~ Lindsay