Good Morning!

The Moon continues its journey through Cancer today. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer, therefore is very comfortable in the watery realm of feelings and intuition. Expect our emotions, rather than our mind, to guide our responses to the world. We may feel protective of ourselves and those close to us. This is a good time to get in touch with how we feel.

Today the Sun and Mercury retrograde conjunct in Leo at 8:06pm (MST). The energy of Mercury, how we think and communicate, and the creative self expression of the Sun are working together. We will be able to re-think and communicate about issues related to what is best for us; as Leo rules our connection to the Self.

The Moon in Cancer trines Jupiter in Scorpio at 9:43pm (MST). The trine between the Moon and Jupiter in water signs Cancer and Scorpio respectively will heighten our intuition and feeling nature. Jupiter in Scorpio brings issues of expanding our perspective through transformation to the fore. This can focus energy on shared resources, sex and joint ventures. Be aware of using manipulation rather than facing fears in order to transform. This time can be experienced as welcomed change if we are willing to look deeply into ourselves.

The Moon trines Neptune in Pisces until 11:43pm (MST). Another water trine between these two signs bring a heightened ability to sense intuitively. This is also a creative energy as Neptune in Pisces allows us to sense refined subtle energies such as imaginative promptings. We will naturally feel compassion and empathy towards others. Be aware of loosing our own perspective if we don’t stay connected to our own needs and intuitions.

Make it a great day!



~ Lindsay