Good Morning!
Today the Moon remains in Scorpio and conjuncts Mercury retrograde until 2:53pm (MST). This energy may be helping us to review the way we think about situations or aspects of our lives; offering us a deeper and truthful perspective. This combination allows an ability to see things for that they are and to express our Truth.
The Moon moves Void of Course until 7:49pm (MST). VOC Moon times can feel directionless. They offer an opportunity to take a step back and observe life; as things may go in unexpected directions. Go with it as we can leaner more information to help us make new decisions when the Moon comes back on line in Sagittarius.
The Moon moves into Sagittarius and conjuncts Jupiter for the remainder of the night. This is a powerful combination of our emotions combined with Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, symbolizing optimism, expansion, the higher mind, belief systems, enthusiasm, generosity and a desire to improve. This is a great time for proposing what we want in life as outcomes are favorable.
The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces at 3:22pm (MST). The Sun in Sag is also a very optimistic energy and wants to expand through going in new directions and incorporating new philosophies. Neptune in Pisces asks us to examine unconscious aspects of ourselves which may sabotage our ability to ‘shine our light’. These may take the form of neurosis, fears, addictions or not giving ourselves a chance due to extreme ideals. This is also a healing energy, allowing us to accept and love ourselves and others more as well as let go and move on if necessary. Do your best to be honest as holding back may only create more problems. With Venus still in shadow in Scorpio, we may be being asked to let go of those unhealthy ways so that we can truly experience love, happiness and harmony in our lives. This dynamic will be amplified tomorrow as we will experience a New Moon in Sagittarius squaring Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces. More on that tomorrow! Sun/Neptune times can be an extremely creative energetic combination and can be worked with, especially with Jupiter in Sag, to advance any creative project!
Make it a great day!
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