Good Morning,
Today the New Moon occurs at 15’11” of Scorpio at 9:02am (MST). New Moon’s are seed planting times which culminate at the following Full Moon. The New Moon in Scorpio requires us to look deeply into our lives and at the Truth of any matter; being guided by our deep desires and transforming or letting go of that which isn’t working. With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Scorpio at this New Moon, there is a lot of drive and intensity to go after what we desire as long as it is in alignment with our deepest desires and the directions we want to go.
The Full Moon is trining Neptune in Pisces. This dynamic symbolizes that our desires will take on a more idealistic and elevated pursuit. Neptune connects us to our dreams and how we wish things to be. There is a strong energy of being able to move toward our dreams during this New Moon/Full Moon cycle. Neptune is deeply connected to our intuition therefor we can feel a deep intuitive guidance at this time as well. There is also an opportunity to approach expressing the Truth with compassion and empathy; especially in any situation which needs to be changed. The Astrology King write about this energy as, “An urge to help others means this is a New Moon of forgiveness and charity. You will gain a deeper and wider understanding of your place in the world. Importantly, you may realize that achieving your goals and dreams is of prime importance before you can help others. The New Moon will help you set goals to manifest your hopes and dreams for the future. Strong faith and morals means you need not sacrifice your owns needs or level of comfort.”
The New Moon in Scorpio is sextiling Pluto in Capricorn. This energy is adding an additional Scorpionic impact, as Pluto rules Scorpio. This energy requires us holding the line in the face of any changes. Our emotion and drive can work with Pluto to focus our energy toward accomplishing our goals as well as ask us to cut away that which is no longer in alignment with our Truth.
The New Moon in Scorpio is squaring Mars in Aquarius, bringing an opportunity to actualize our deeper desires while recognizing the need to take action toward progressing our lives forward and eliminating what is not serving us. Mars and Venus retrograde in Libra will be in a harmonizing trine by the end of the week, emphasizing this energy of demanding our relationship needs are met or transformed. The Astrology King write of this trine, “Venus trine Mars increases your desire for social contact and enjoyment. It balances your soft loving nature with your raw sexual desire so you can be direct without coming on too strong. You will genuinely be interested in friendship not just for sex but for companionship as well. This is a very good omen for your love life. If dating, it increases the odds of meeting your perfect partner.”
The Nodes have changed signs into Cancer/Capricorn; Cardinal signs requiring taking action. The North Node in Cancer deals with self care and connecting to our feelings. Cancer is an emotional energy; guiding us through intuition and what we need in order to feel secure. Our emotional needs being met will be a big theme for the next year and a half and is a strong emphasis at this New Moon time.
Uranus has retrograded in Aries at this Full Moon time giving us a boost of confidence and reminding us of the freedom we demand in self expression.
Make it a great day!
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