Good Morning!
The Moon has moved in to the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius bringing an ability to respond to life from a detached, open-minded, freedom seeking and experimental perspective. Aquarius Moon feels through insight therefore, stay open to new ways of looking at aspects of our lives; especially those relating to relationships, money and our values as the Moon is squaring Venus retrograde in Scorpio most of the day until 5:44pm (MST).
Venus retrograde in Scorpio connects us with our deep passions as we are looking at our love lives very seriously. Scorpio doesn’t mess around and wants a deep connection or nothing at all! This is also a time of revealing how unconscious fears can operate in our relationships. For example, self-sabotage in love relationships due to underlying feelings of not being “good enough”, attractive enough, or lovable enough; often projected onto situations involving others in our lives.
Venus has been traveling through the Underworld during this retrograde, exposing what is hidden in our unconscious; areas of taboo, the Shadow, and our deep desires. We may be feeling strange emotional pulls to react from those sensitive places. If we can observe and detach from those unconscious drives, Venus in Scorpio brings us the opportunity for increased awareness allowing us to be free from their control. This is how we become powerful (Scorpio) in our relations (Venus) with others; power not in trying to control the ‘other’, but power through our ability to free ourselves from unconscious patterns which manifest in wanting to manipulate others to our Will. When we can free ourselves from those dynamics we can connect with a clearer Truth of any matter. It’s true Illumination! When Venus in Scorpio is empowered, and not operating from trying control or manipulate, she knows what she likes and doesn’t like and is capable of releasing indecision and moving toward what brings her pleasure with single pointed focus…or walk away. The Moon is still hanging around with the South Node in Aquarius, suggesting we need to be aware of responding from a place of over detachment; eliminating true progress toward what we desire.
The Moon in Aquarius squares Mercury in Scorpio for the remainder of the night. When the Moon and Mercury square, our feelings and ability to communicate require adjustment in order to understand and express ourselves. Aquarius Moon wants to infuse our communication with the breadth of Air; helping us shake loose from the emotionally driven intensity of Mercury in Scorpio. Can we transcend baser emotions in order to see new paths forward? Does something have to be the way we thought it needed to be? The Air and Water dynamic today between Aquarius and Scorpio can be described by Marica Moore and Mark Douglas in ‘Astrology The Divine Science’ as, “Scorpio to Aquarius must eradicate his own selfishness and greed in order to move forward into the future. Scorpio demolishes obstructing matter which prevents the Uranian forces from flowing freely and accomplishing their regenerative work. This is the caterpillar-to-butterfly square, in which a hardened chrysalis of defensive attitudes is ruptured by the renascent creature stirring in the dark. The metamorphosis may be painful, but once the cocoon has been shattered, the ugly grub suddenly discovers that he has grown wings. Now he needs only to spread them and fly!”
Let’s not forget that the Sun is Libra is wanting to find what creates harmony, beauty and balance in our lives.
Make it a great day!
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