Good Morning!
The Full Moon at 1’13” Taurus occurred at 10:45am (MST) today. Full Moons happen when the Sun and the Moon oppose one another (180 degrees apart), requiring integration of the expression of individuality and our emotions. Lynn Hayes writes of Full Moon times, ” It is this tension between the conscious solar energy and the lunar instincts and feelings that creates the emotionality for which Full Moons are famous.”
My experience of this Full Moon time is being reflected in the realization of what is valuable in my life (Moon in Taurus) and what is not (Sun in Scorpio). The Sun in Scorpio is asking us to connect with the expression of our deeper instinctual wants and needs, transforming that which needs to change, while Taurus Moon asks us to ground our emotions in that which brings security and stability in our lives. Superficial connections are not going to cut it anymore. If the lead up to this Full Moon has found you trying on many type of relationship hats; bringing potential relationships into your life, or stirred up existing ones, this time is going to reveal the one(s) that are stable, worth while and potential long term possibilities providing we can embrace the change required to experience new levels of security within them.
This Full Moon is at the very first degree of the first Earth sign in the Zodiac, Taurus, asking us to ground our emotional expression in patience, reliability and practicality; focusing on that which brings us security in our lives. What is unique about this Full Moon is that Uranus is conjunct the Moon in Taurus (with in a degree) bringing liberating energy to the Fixed change-resistant nature of Taurus; assisting in changing stuck habits or ways of responding to the world, specifically through forms of attachment and perhaps indulging our pleasures, just because it’s how we have always done it. Uranus wants to bring a progressive and dimensional perspective to the expression of emotional security in relationships, our values, how we attain money and our to material possessions in our lives. The Moon/Uranus conjunction is trining Saturn in Capricorn suggesting that what changes we do make will have a lasting effect.
Andrew Ifandis of Cosmos of Astrology writes of this trine, “[The trine] moderates the erratic and impulsive nature of Uranus. It turns unexpected changes into opportunities and relationship uncertainty into reassurance and commitment…Saturn bridges the polarizing oppositions to bring more stability and makes the changes less disruptive. It means the unexpected events associated with love and money can be turned to into opportunities with practical, enduring results….”
To add to this Full Moon, Venus – the ruler of Taurus, who is at the half way point through her retrograde in Scorpio asking us to dive deep into our true desires as well as exposing the shadow elements operating in relationships, is conjunction the Sun in Scorpio. This combination is amplifying our desire to know the Truth of our desires in relationships and to purify elements of relating that no longer serve us. The Sun/Moon combination is also sextiling Saturn in Capricorn; again bringing the symbol of longevity to anything established or changed at this time.
Finally, the North and South Node are involved in this Full Moon, as they are in early degrees of Leo and Aquarius, squaring the Sun and Moon, creating a Fixed cross. This brings in a fated element to this Full moon time. The North Node in Leo asks us to move toward our hearts desires and release any old ideas (South Node in Aquarius) that may be limiting our path forward. Lynn Hayes adds understanding to this alignment: “This Full Moon has the potential to have a lasting impact for quite some time to come. (Geeky astrological detail: the lunar nodes are square the Sun/Venus opposition to Moon/Uranus which makes this a bit like an eclipse in which the lunar nodes conjoin the Sun/Moon.) Under this lunar magic, we will be awakened to new possibilities in every area of life. Try not to go back to sleep.”
Be well,
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