Good Morning!
Air energy abounds today! As the Moon moves through the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius it brings with it the desire to experience freedom of expression colored by a sense of social welfare, innovation, uniqueness and did I say…FREEDOM?!?
The Moon will trine (120 degrees angle) Mercury in Gemini, another Air energy, until 1:06pm (MST). Mercury is comfortable here in the sign it rules. New ideas and communication flows. It’s a great time for writing, reading, researching and making progress with all things dealing with sharing ideas.
Then the Moon moves into a trine with the Sun in Gemini until 7:23pm (MST). These are the two luminaries creating a harmonious relationship between how we feel and our ability to radiate our purpose, creativity and power; blending the cool detached emotions of Aquarius with the communicative energy of Gemini. This is another symbol for communicating our needs and desires with clarity.
The day ends with the Moon squaring Jupiter in Scorpio until 11:10pm (MST), when it then moves Void of Course. In Fixed signs, be aware of over attachment to our perspective or feelings. Moon in Aquarius may keep us so much in our rational head that we find it difficult to allow Jupiter in Scorpio’s expansive transformation. Moon square Jupiter can cause us to over indulge but, it’s generally a time to enjoy life!
Use today to move ideas and projects forward as the Void of Course Moon all day tomorrow will invite us to relax a bit as we re-center before the Moon enters a new sign.
Make it a great day!
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