The Moon remains in Leo today. Moon in Leo energy brings inspired feelings expressed as love, warm-hardheartedness, and the need to be recognized reflected back to us through others admiration and appreciation. Collectively, we are invited to feel our kind and generous emotional expression. We may feel our connection to that child-like part of us who’s ready for fun and creative expression every moment!
The Moon in Leo squares Venus in Scorpio, briefly, until 9:22am (MST). Venus is at a station point, and will turn retrograde tomorrow (more on that then) which will bring deep reflection of what brings us pleasure, what we value in relationship and reflection upon the ‘shadow’ operating through relating. Today, we may be beginning to feel some of the focus of the Venus Rx cycle. Are we scumming to indulgence and extravagances at the expense of what we really need to fulfill our pleasures due to fear of change? Because Scorpio rules shared resources, we may begin to see how this principle operates at the expense of what we feel in our hearts.
The Moon in Leo sextiles the Sun in Libra until 10:19am (MST). At this time the feelings and the expression of our individuality blend easily. We can express ourselves with enthusiasm while the Sun in Libra tapers any grandiosity and allows for a balance and fair approach. This is a very creative energy as Leo and Libra both rule aspects of creativity through inspiration and atheistic.
The Moon in Leo sextiles Mercury in Libra for the remainder of the day/night. This is an excellent time to work on any creative projects; especially ones that require communicating, writing, and expressing our thoughts. We can also use this time to talk with others with a strong sense of diplomacy and open-hardheartedness.
Make it a great day!
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