The Moon remains in Capricorn today.
The Moon in Cap sextiles Neptune in Pisces until 10:55am. Dreams can be made a reality! We have an ability to allow our compassion and empathy into how we go about accomplishing tasks. Allowing our imagination to soar can help dimensionalize our work.
Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus at 5:00pm (MST). Mars and Uranus first squared back in May. Mars retrograded in late June and squared Uranus again in early August. This is the last time Mars and Uranus are meeting (for now); completing this cycle and offering insights to help us move forward in new and unique ways. Mars in Aquarius suggests taking powerful action, which supports humanity, inspired by intuition in ways. Uranus in Taurus suggests a change in our values, what we find worth in, and ways we make money; all of which provide security. At the very least this can be a time of lots of ideas of how to innovate how we go about doing what we do. This can be a heightened intensity to our nervous system. Focusing on breathing, to help us stay present, is useful as well as intentionally containing/releasing aggressive thoughts.
The Moon and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn until 7:03pm (MST). Lots of power available to focus on our work. Can also be a time where we have revelatory feelings about what we desire to change in our lives. We can be very self determined and stand in our authority when it comes to expressing what we know to be true.
The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio until 9:25pm (MST). This is a good time for making plans which will expand our future as we feel more comfortable with transformation and can focus on how to accomplish it.
The Moon in Capricorn trines Mercury in Virgo the remainder of the night. Emotional sobriety and personal authority will blend with the ability to think critically; analyzing details and using discrimination. As a result, when Mercury meets with the Sun in the coming days, we will feel clear about what we think and our ability to express it with authority.
Make it a great day!
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