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Good Morning!

Mercury retrograded into Scorpio earlier this morning. Our communication style and discussions may take on a more serious, penetrating, transformative and powerful quality for the next few weeks. Scorpio investigates as well as reveals; therefore we may be sharing deeper aspects of ourselves through our communication. Getting to the Truth of matters is important. Be aware of unconscious communication and being overly sharp with our words, as Scorpio will go to great lengths to protect itself if needed. Mercury will station retrograde direct on December 6th, trining Chiron retrograde in Pisces and the North Node in Cancer. This Water Grand trine will create a healing opportunity through communicating, being compassionate and sharing our feelings in order to move our lives in new directions.

The Moon has moved into the sign of Libra and trines Jupiter in Sagittarius until 4:56pm (MST). Moon trine Jupiter times bring harmony and good feelings. Jupiter in Sagittarius sees many possibilities while the Moon in Libra seeks to express balance, harmony and fairness. Relationships and partnerships of all kinds may become a focus over the next few days as the Moon travels through Libra. We can make great strides when we share deeply and honestly and stay open to new perspectives and possibilities in our relationships.

The Moon in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn until 9:44pm (MST). We can be challenged to make decisions based on what needs to be done verses wanting to maintain peace and harmony with others. We may find it difficult to access lighter emotions. Staying open to negotiation while maintaining boundaries is important.

The Moon in Libra sextiles the Sun in Sagittarius for the remainder of the night. The emotions and expression of our individuality easily blend together creating optimistic and expansive attitudes.

Make it a great day!


~ Lindsay