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Good Morning!

The Moon remains in Scorpio today. Scorpio Moons are powerful times where we need to remain aware of our light and dark energies. It’s easy to unconsciously wield our power, causing havoc and destruction in our paths unnecessarily. True Scorpio energy, traditionally ruled by Mars, the planet of action, assertiveness and War and Pluto, the planet of destruction, transformation and regeneration, is contained and exacted with precision only when necessary and for the empowerment of the group. ‘Courage’, from The Voyager Tarot, addresses this type of self examined energy when it explains, “Light is courageous. It strikes forward into the darkness. The laser-light sword, the axe, and the knife wands (Spirit) symbolize the courage of your warrior energy to cut into and see the truth about your fears and dark sides, to cut them out, to exorcise them. Totem poles, masks, and stained glass windows represent not only your fears – the inner demons – but your strength and courage to confront these fears and face them down.” Scorpio energy is also related to our subtle energetic body-system which can be regenerated when we harness and recycle the intensity of emotion and feeling within our energetic system and use it for self-healing and transformation.

The Moon in Scorpio trines Mars in Pisces until 10:24am (MST). This combination allows us to express our emotions with passion, intensity as well as compassion and empathy. Both the Moon and Mars are in Water signs, suggesting intuition is a guiding force at this time. Again, Scorpio Moon deals with focused intensity and Mars in Pisces opens the self to transcendence action. This is a wonderful energy which allows us to connect deeply with others and heal. We can think of this energy described in the Power Deck as ‘Impeccability’: “Move into that place of perfection within you, that place of truth, responsibility, competence, and intuition…Impeccability is an area of strength that continues to flame within, maintaining power and intent…Impeccability is tended by the attentions of your sacred witness – that person within you who observes the target. Gather your power with impeccability. With the intensity of a rubber band pulled and held at its breaking point, gather your intent and focus on your impeccability, for the job about to be done.”

The Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces until 1:47pm (MST). This can be a very creative time as Scorpio Moon brings the ability to focus single pointedly while Mars in Pisces taps us into our connection with imagination which requires tuning into subtle creative prompts. Again, this is another healing energy and can be worked with to shift and heal all aspects of our lives which may require transforming or letting go.

The Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn for the remainder of the day/night. Pluto, which rules Scorpio, in Capricorn requires slow, steady transformation of old outworn structures. Similar to a slow, controlled burn, this energy will bring power and intensity to our emotional expression with the ability to transform ourselves and others in the process. If we find we are required to release certain situations, this energy can be helpful for motivating us to do so.

Make it a great day!


~ Lindsay